Local Service Ads

Get More Leads & Grow Your Firm

Local Services ads help you connect with people who search on Google for legal services. Your ads will show up for customers in your service area, and you only pay if a customer calls or messages you directly through the ad.

Display Credibility with Screened Badge

Show up at Top of Search Results

Pay for Qualified Leads, Not For Clicks

Why Local Service Ads?

The #1 thing prospective clients see in Google’s search results. They come before pay-per-click (PPC) ads, organic search results . . . EVERYTHING.

Real Time Tracking

  • Follow up with leads
  • Book / Schedule
  • Automated Emails or SMS for confirmations and follow-ups

Disputing Leads

Local Service Ads

Get More Leads & Grow Your Firm

Local Services ads help you connect with people who search on Google for legal services. Your ads will show up for customers in your service area, and you only pay if a customer calls or messages you directly through the ad.

Display Credibility with Screened Badge

Show up at Top of Search Results

Pay for Qualified Leads, Not For Clicks

Why Local Service Ads?

The #1 thing prospective clients see in Google’s search results. They come before pay-per-click (PPC) ads, organic search results . . . EVERYTHING.

Real Time Tracking

  • Follow up with leads
  • Book / Schedule
  • Automated Emails or SMS for confirmations and follow-ups

Disputing Leads

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